at last!!
A typical day.
hello out there in BRL land!
ok so i (ariel) am basically the lamest person ever and totally dropped the ball on updating the BRL blog with like 5 days worth of touring photos... from this past summer. yikes. so here are days 16 through 21 of the summer tour, complete with commentary from THE evan michalski [to come shortly]. enjoy!
We love hot tubs. Love em!

Me and Noah do our daily ritual of tasting all the gross shit on our feet.
Aaron gets into the clapping spirit in Houston, where we later stayed at an Enron-sponsored gated community.

This shirt rules for thousands of reasons. Among them... it is from the Gap, it was under $4, and it has three fucking sharks on it surrounded by lightning bolts.

What Noah is reaching for under the table is certainly more "Taboo" than the game.

I start up a rousing rendition of the piano bridge in the All American Rejects "Move Along" to wake Aaron up.
Noah, just graping it.

A mid afternoon stop at Qdoba, which is a Chipotle ripoff owned by our favorite restaurant, Jack in the Box ("Jibs")

Yes, we played on a roller skating rink in Denton , TX.

Noah, pre-Palumbo haircut.

I entertain myself for far too long rolling around on an office chair. Looks all wrong.

Dallas. Everytime we come here, we learn a new conspiracy theory about the Kennedy assassination. Recently, we learn that Woody Harrelson's dad was alleged to be a shooter, but died in prison (for murdering a Federal judge) before a proper investigation could occur.
In a Texarkana, TX skate park.
And they had that whatever shoe thing on the wires that is in every old Dr. Dre video. They never spell it Doctor Dre do they?

Man-made Catfish pond.

The industrial accident that led to a very favorable settlement for the Brilliant Red Lights.
Sweet pose Aaron. Seriously.

I think you know what side we support.

A rare photo where I am wearing jeans that don't have the crotch blown out.

Aaron and Noah call each other in the van.

"Ma'am, please put your shirt back on"
The astro turf equipped pedal skateboard.

"Hey fuck it, let's go into the crowd tonight and finish this off"

"Kittyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" So soft.

A real Irishman amazed by our American pancakes. And loose morality

...and that's all for now. stay tuned for the next installment of the current tour. it'll knock your socks off.

hello out there in BRL land!
ok so i (ariel) am basically the lamest person ever and totally dropped the ball on updating the BRL blog with like 5 days worth of touring photos... from this past summer. yikes. so here are days 16 through 21 of the summer tour, complete with commentary from THE evan michalski [to come shortly]. enjoy!
We love hot tubs. Love em!

Me and Noah do our daily ritual of tasting all the gross shit on our feet.

This shirt rules for thousands of reasons. Among them... it is from the Gap, it was under $4, and it has three fucking sharks on it surrounded by lightning bolts.

What Noah is reaching for under the table is certainly more "Taboo" than the game.

I start up a rousing rendition of the piano bridge in the All American Rejects "Move Along" to wake Aaron up.

A mid afternoon stop at Qdoba, which is a Chipotle ripoff owned by our favorite restaurant, Jack in the Box ("Jibs")


Noah, pre-Palumbo haircut.

I entertain myself for far too long rolling around on an office chair. Looks all wrong.

Dallas. Everytime we come here, we learn a new conspiracy theory about the Kennedy assassination. Recently, we learn that Woody Harrelson's dad was alleged to be a shooter, but died in prison (for murdering a Federal judge) before a proper investigation could occur.

Man-made Catfish pond.

The industrial accident that led to a very favorable settlement for the Brilliant Red Lights.

I think you know what side we support.

A rare photo where I am wearing jeans that don't have the crotch blown out.

Aaron and Noah call each other in the van.

"Ma'am, please put your shirt back on"

"Hey fuck it, let's go into the crowd tonight and finish this off"

"Kittyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" So soft.

A real Irishman amazed by our American pancakes. And loose morality

...and that's all for now. stay tuned for the next installment of the current tour. it'll knock your socks off.
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