Saturday, December 09, 2006

party party party!

rock and roll, bitches!

what's the best way to unwind after a hard 3 days of touring? dancing, of course! especially on a tuesday night... moms, lock up your daughters, BRL, TVA and stiletto are on the loose!

[note: that was so cheesy. but the pictures will make up for it. trust me.]

so most of these are pretty self-explanatory so fill in your own captions... unless evan sneaks on here and inserts his own commentary, which is very likely. enjoy!
TVA dave likes to rock the jacket-around-the-waist look that was mad popular in jr high school.
aaron, you know you love the papparazzi.
i guess mark really wanted that beer.... but he was on a time-out.
TVA mike and warren dance all raver style... with, as dave calls it, the "ecstasy haze" effect.
TVA dances dirty. note the belt around mike's waist.
sunny found the best dance partner in the place!
...then back to the BRL love lounge, aka aaron and evan's apartment.
stiletto jimmy has the best hair for that backlight effect.
oh, the morning after. 15 kids on the floor, what a lovely thing to wake up to.
more coming shortly. we love you.


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