Friday, August 25, 2006

Although we've come, to the ennnnnnnd of the ro-ad

So here it is, the last blog of tour (until Ariel fills in the missing Texas post). We are peacing out of Salem, OR as we type and have to drive by some police blockade because apparently there was a fat bank robbery in Eugene, OR. Awesome! We're going to continue the blog as we go home and write new songs and play local shows, but obviously less frequently. Thanks for watching.

With love,


A future band picture will combine these pictures.

The Seattle Public Library had these crazy talking orbs in the elevator.
Noah, high above the public, is surely up to no good in the Library.
Aaron looks on as well. Props to the awesome plant carpet down below.
"Whoa, Noah. Check out those fucking talking orbs."
Outside shot of the world's coolest library.
Just keeping it friendly.
The cracked cell phone makes trippy patterns. Whooooooooooa.
Chrome telephones.
Nathan creates bizarre harmonic distortion by making 2 cell phones 69 in Portland.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Ooh, I'm ready for it (c'mon bring it!)

Aaron points out the finer aspects of the Tacoma Legion Hall. Thanks Sergio for the pic.You definitely cannot handle the tune/talk.
This chick was proud owner of the worst fashion call of the century.
Trick mail box.
I sternly reprimand teenagers for moshing. "Do you want me to call your parents?!"
This reminds me of that episode of The Critic (cartoon starring Jon Lovitz) where he cleans up New York City, but when they are cleaning the NY Public Library, the "L" falls off making it say "Pubic Libbrary" and there is a mad rush of people, who immediately come out disappointed. Classic!
Creepy wig shop in Seattle.
Creepy neon fish at the Vietnamese restaurant.
Betty the psycho dog lovingly licks, jumps on and pesters Aaron in Portland.
This guy has got to be the worst looking male model ever hired. What were you thinking Banana Republic?! What is he, Wes Anderson's loser older brother?
Noah finds two uses for this chair: deep tissue massage and coffee stirrer.
I ran into Allie, whom I went to high scool with, in downtown Portland at 1 AM for no reason whatsoever. She was flyering for her new band THE PLASTIC AGE.
The creepy/half abandoned house in Bellingham. The lights didn't really work, and just flickered on and off all night. Straight out of 'Silence of the Lambs'.
THINK IN FRENCH rock with a flurry of arms during their set in Portland.


I find my new favorite game "Guitar Hero". I slayed "Cowboys From Hell" on easy.
Possibly the greatest bit of comedy ever known, the Bellingham Community Po-op, an interactive "poop blog" that faithfully records the emotions, trials and tribulations of each guest's bowels.
This mystery vat was sitting on top of the toilet in that same bathroom. We couldn't figure out what it was. Urine? Butter? Could be anything.
Noah goes for a midnight run in his "chonies"
What the hell, more poop blog!
These guys in Bellingham lived in an old church and the upstairs was a recording studio.
Some nice, fresh, succulent orange juice.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I am so sick of these mutha-fucking snakes on this mutha-fucking plane

SNAKES ON A PLANE: Great movie. Great concept. Great execution. Great penis-biting scene.

These girls at this wedding were making fun of us because...
We walked by their ceremony like this
Aaron tests out some new MySpace screenshots. You look great today!
Aaron took this creepy, voyeuristic picture of Noah stripping to swim in the Pacific Ocean via Bellingham, WA.
Part 2 of the 17 part "pointing at the sun" series.
BLACK EYES AND NECK TIES (AKA B.E.N.T.) give blood capsules and eye shadow something to write home about.
This is how we saw SNAKES ON A PLANE for free. "Just walk to theater 1 with confidence"
Noah poses for his cover shoot in this months "Cigar Affectionado"
These guys who worked at the rare stamp and coin store were really creepy and were at work at 1 AM. Eerie.
This guy.
Eric from FLEE THE CENTURY mugs his Hollywood Hulk Hogan N.W.O./UFO tat in Spokane, WA
Yes, a bull did charge a train and de-rail it. It's like BULLS ON A TRAIN.
This microphone is also a gun. Handy at hardcore shows.
Beautiful Bellingham, WA.
My favorite pair of glasses. And the gun mic is back! B.E.N.T. rules.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Touch the sun

I think that is what I am trying to do hereAaron overlooks his subjects as lord of the grass world.
The Lewiston, ID river view. There was a METALLICA COVER BAND playing not far away from here.
Hukkah in the park. Straight gangsta'.
The dude making our 12 tacos at JIBS.
A new look. Tank top + John England's hat.
Corey Matthew's "throw the card at the fan" game. Corey: "It's like dodge ball"
Aaron gets a chiropractic evaluation/psychic powers.
These guys were on a road trip from Sac and drove from Yellowstone to kick it at our Lewiston show. Soooooo sick!
This dog looks like a wolf disguised as a sheep.
Corey Matthews lays it down on the acoustic. This dude hopped in the van with us last tour and hitch-hiked home. What a lunatic! This trip, he almost got beat up by some thugs who thought they flipped him off...until he befriended all of them.
This guy was peeing in the alley when I took a picture. With flash.
The dreaded double Hukkah hit.
Stereotypical scenic mountain view.
The ultimate Scott. Thank you and Leilani for letting us crash your party for 2 days straight.
The bird couch of La Grande, OR.
This guy.
This guy.
When ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT is so good it fries the DVD player. And our brains.
We kept getting stuck behind these asshole logging trucks.